The NHS Confederation is the only national NHS organisation that helps leaders understand and influence the economic and social context in which they operate; facilitating new relationships, shaping decision-making and maximizing local impact. Through its Head of Health Economic Partnerships, Michael Wood, the Confed has led the public discourse on understanding the links between the health sector and the economy for several years, articulating the value of the NHS as an anchor in both national policy and local practice.
While every part of the service has something to both offer and gain from this agenda, ICS and acute NHS organisations occupy a particularly influential role in place, with their decisions having far-reaching consequences for the health and wealth of both the nation and local communities, for better or for worse.
With a new government embarking on a series of far-reaching reforms that will materially link prevention, productivity, public service reform and place now is the time to understand better the economic and social context in which we work.
Health Economic Partnerships (HEP) can help leaders gauge what they can do to realise their economic and social potential, why local economic decisions are being made and what they mean and how to work with and influence the range of local partners to maximise impact.
Series of 6 webinars:
NHS Confederation member and non-member webinars
- Webinar 1 – Wednesday 26 February, 2.00pm - 3:30pm ‘Putting health at the heart of your local economy’
- Webinar 2 – Wednesday 26 March, 2.00pm - 3.00pm - ‘Your role in an Anchor system’
- Webinar 3 – Wednesday 23 April, 2.00pm - 3.00pm - ‘Reimagining how we work with our universities, colleges and schools’
NHS Confederation member only webinars
- Webinar 4 – Wednesday 28 May, 2.00pm - 3.00pm - ‘Quantifying the economic impact of the NHS and maximizing our social value’
- Webinar 5 – Wednesday 25 June, 2.00pm - 3.00pm - ‘What devolution means for the NHS’
- Webinar 6 – Wednesday 23 July, 2.00pm - 3.00pm - ‘Embedding health on the high street’
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